For PhD Students
In order to attend dissertation defense, PhD students must have completed at least one of the following activities together with their thesis advisor (as a graduation requirement).
- Having the an article published or accepted for publication in journals (Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4) indexed in Web of Science (SCI, SCI-expanded, SSCI, AHCI),
- Having a national or international patent registered,
- Having submitted for a TUBITAK Project and the submission has been evaluated,
- Having completed a BAP (Scientific Research Project) as a project manager or researcher,
- Having two articles published or accepted for publication in journals indexed in ULAKBİM TRDizin.
For Master's (MSc) students
In order to attend dissertation defense, Master (MSc) students must have completed at least one of the following activities together with their thesis advisor (as a graduation requirement).
- Having a national or international proceeding accepted or published,
- Having a national or international patent registered,
- Having submitted for a TUBITAK Project and the submission has been evaluated,
- Having completed a BAP (Scientific Research Project) as a project manager or researcher,
- Having an article published or accepted for publication in national or international peer-reviewed journals,
- Having a book or book chapter published by national or international publishing houses.
IMPORTANT: It is important to specify the institutional address of Hasan Kalyoncu University and e-mail addresses with the extension as author/researcher information in joint project – patent applications and publications made by students registered in programs affiliated with the Graduate Education Institute together with their advisors.
Hasan Kalyoncu University, Graduate Education Institute, Department of …………….., 27010, Gaziantep, Türkiye. e-mail: